2023 KOR WDFW Volunteer Registration & Daily Protocols
Welcome to the King of the Reach broodstock collection project. Thank you for your participation. This program has been very successful due in large part to the donations of time and expertise of our volunteers. If you have any problems or questions, please do not hesitate to contact Todd at todd.miller@dfw.wa.gov or by telephone 509-545-2284.
All participants in this Program are required to pre-register with the CCA and WDFW for the King of the Reach program. CCA and WDFW will accept online registrations only for this project. All registration and training must be completed no later than October 15, 2023. Daily check in and check out is also required during the project.
Returning King of the Reach Volunteers
Before registering with the WDFW Volunteer Program please review the WDFW Orientation for Volunteers. This document was included with the email. If you have any problems or questions, please contact Paul or Todd at 509-545-2284.
To register for the King of the Reach program, go to https://wdfw.wa.gov/get-involved/volunteer/event-list. Click “Use Reservation Code”. Enter: saWuER and click “Apply Reservation Code”. You will be prompted to enter your login and password if you are not already logged into the system.
After entering your login and password you should receive a message indicating that you have successfully registered for the event.
You may be routed to a different screen if you were already logged into the WDFW Volunteer program. Click “See all volunteer opportunities”. Select “Register / Apply for an Upcoming Opportunity”. Make sure your name is listed under “Step 1: Select a Volunteer Below”. Click “Use Reservation Code”. Enter: saWuER and click “Register for this event”.
New Volunteers
Before registering with the WDFW Volunteer Program please review the WDFW Orientation for Volunteers. This document was included with the email. If you have any problems or questions, please contact Todd at 509-545-2284.
Complete the training above before registering. Go to (https://wdfw.wa.gov/get-involved/volunteer) to create a WDFW volunteer account. To create an account, click “register using a simple online form”.
After completing your WDFW Volunteer account, you can register for the King of the Reach program. To register, go to https://wdfw.wa.gov/get-involved/volunteer/event-list. Click “Use Reservation Code”. Enter: saWuER and click “Apply Reservation Code”. You will be prompted to enter your login and password if you are not already logged into the system.
After entering your login and password you should receive a message indicating that you have successfully registered for the event.
You may be routed to a different screen to register. Click “Register / Apply for an Upcoming Opportunity”. Make sure your name is listed under “Step 1: Select a Volunteer Below”. Click “Use Private Reservation Code”. Enter: saWuER and click “Register for this event”.
You will receive an email verifying that you are enrolled in the program. If you do not receive an email contact Todd Miller at 509-545-2284 or by email at Todd.Miller@dfw.wa.gov.
Checking In and Out Each Day
All volunteers participating in the Project need to “Check In” each day prior to launching their vessel or assisting at the collection sites. All boats/anglers must “Check Out” each day as well when they come off the water. This provides the coordinators a list of vessels and anglers participating in the program each day, allows WDFW to track volunteer hours, ensures that all anglers made it safely off the water, and provides the biological information on bycatch necessary to conduct this program.
Check in and check out each day by texting Todd Miller at (509) 619-2066, the WDFW volunteer coordinator. Check in can be completed by the captain for all anglers aboard the vessel or by individual anglers if arriving separately.
Check in each day that you participate before launching your vessel.
Text message must include:
- the captains last name & boat #,
- anglers last names and/or assigned angler number,
Johnson, Boat #1. Anglers 1A, 1B, 1C
Complete as soon as you are off the water.
Text message must include:
- the captains last name & boat #,
- a list of the number of all fish released including mortalities, jacks, hatchery chinook, post spawn females, along with any other species caught and released.
Johnson, Boat #1. Released 2 hatchery adult, 6 spawned females, 1 oversize sturgeon, 1 wild steelhead.
*** Please remember to Check-In and Check-Out each day ***