About Us
CCA Washington is an advocacy group for salmon, steelhead, and our other Northwest fish. Our job is to give voice to this precious resource that cannot defend itself against destruction.
Coastal Conservation Association (CCA) is a non-profit organization comprised of 17 coastal state chapters spanning the Gulf of Mexico, Atlantic and Pacific Coasts. CCA’s strength is drawn from the tens of thousands of recreational saltwater anglers who make up its membership. From South Texas to the upper reaches of Maine, CCA’s grassroots influence is felt through state capitals, U.S. Congress and, most importantly, in the conservation and restoration of our coastal marine resources.
CCA has been active in virtually every national fisheries debate since 1984 and has participated productively in state and federal fisheries management issues for longer than two decades. CCA continues to operate as a three-tiered organization, affecting issues on the local, state and national levels.
CCA’s unmatched breadth and depth of volunteer involvement has made it the largest marine conservation group of its kind. Its grassroots network and unique combination of membership, fundraising and advocacy have enacted positive change on all levels of coastal marine conservation and management. When called into action, the impact of CCA’s grassroots machine is unparalleled.
Through broad-based recreational angler support, a strong legal and legislative presence, more than 35 years of experience and an unwavering vision for the future of U.S. and global marine resources, CCA will continue to battle for the health and longevity of our coastal fisheries and for recreational anglers’ interests in them.
Mission StatementThe stated purpose of CCA is to advise and educate the public on conservation of marine resources. The objective of CCA is to conserve, promote and enhance the present and future availability of these coastal resources for the benefit and enjoyment of the general public. |
Why Join CCA Washington?
Do you fish for salmon, steelhead, sturgeon, rockfish or other marine fish? Around 600,000 Washington fishermen do. Banding together is essential to bring about real conservation-based change. Join CCA’s successful team and help us make change by working in the state capitol and making a direct impact in our local communities.
Political Clout – A Powerful Force for Change
Political clout derives from a large membership and intelligent, knowledgeable, and active leadership. Fisheries issues are political, and CCA Washington wages the political battles on behalf of fishermen in four arenas.
– The Washington State Legislature: CCA maintains an effective state legislative lobbying and legal presence year around, both during the legislative sessions and throughout the rest of the year in one-on-one meetings with lawmakers.
– The Fish and Wildlife Commission: CCA’s lobbyist and volunteers testify frequently throughout the year at Fish and Wildlife Commission meetings.
– The Fish and Wildlife Department: CCA’s volunteers interact regularly with Fish and Wildlife
department leaders and staff.
– Fish and Wildlife Advisory Committees: Numerous CCA members are actively involved in nearly twenty different advisory boards and commissions that provide advise and counsel to the Fish and Wildlife.