How are CCA’s political, fisheries and legislative positions established?

CCA makes all decisions from the bottom up, involving our membership in all policy positions. Through an extensive web of volunteer committees and boards, CCA’s state and/or national (depending on the issue) volunteer executive boards vote to adopt all policies and positions.  Every position is based on facts, science, strategy and more than 35 years of conservation experience.

Where does my membership and/or fundraiser contribution go?

“The membership contribution goes into publishing and distributing (the bimonthly membership magazine) TIDE, retaining fishery consultants, maintaining a membership department, paying for our annual audit, supporting our federal lobbyists in Washington, D.C., educating and informing the membership, management officials and general public of key conservation issues, maintaining the JoinCCA web site, creating the CCA eNewsletter Lateral Lines, and so much more,” explains CCA President Pat Murray.

Where does the money raised in Washington go?

CCA is a registered non-profit 501(c)(3) organization and each CCA chapter puts on an annual fundraising banquet. All proceeds from these banquets, and other fundraising events, stay in Washington to fund our advocacy efforts and statewide operations. All banquet attendees also become a member of CCA. The fundraising success of our banquets relies upon the banquet committees, donors and attendees. We are thankful to those who support our banquets and help us continue our marine conservation activities.

Does CCA employ biologists?

Yes.  CCA employs Gulf, Atlantic and Pacific fisheries consultants to monitor key recreational issues on national and regional levels. Additionally, a number of CCA state chapters employ biologists to deal with state fishery issues.  CCA relies on data from state, federal and academic sources, but has supported and funded research (on both a state and national level) to provide greater insight into marine resource issues and problems.

Does CCA employ lobbyists?

Yes.  CCA has two registered lobbyists in Washington, D.C., and we currently retain as many as 17 state and federal professional lobbyists.

How do I find out what CCA is doing to conserve marine resources legislatively and in the fisheries management arena?

There are several sources to find out CCA’s legislative involvement on both a regional and federal level. All of our regional sources of information can be accessed on the CCA Washington home page under the “Communications” heading. National sources of information can be accessed by visiting the CCA National website.

Where do I get useful CCA chapter contact information?

Go to the Chapters section of the webpage.  There is a listing for each chapter.

I signed up a while ago. Where is my membership package?

In order to put more of your money to work on conservation efforts, CCA utilizes bulk rate postage to distribute your membership package. Depending on time of year, processing time and the post office delivery schedule, arrival times vary. If you have waited more than six weeks and received no correspondence, call 1-800-201-3474.

What does the Advocacy Fund do?

The Advocacy Fund was established to keep the concerns of CCA’s membership represented in critical marine resource conservation issues. “The Fund has given CCA the ability to add the courts as places to promote conservation and the interests of recreational anglers,” said Bob Hayes, CCA’s general counsel. “If you are not willing to defend good conservation in court, you are wasting your time trying to get good conservation decisions.”

With the help of the Advocacy Fund, CCA’s voice grows louder in the continued legal battle for proper conservation. CCA’s legal counsel has used these funds to challenge threats to overfished red snapper, grouper, weakfish, marlin, and shark stocks, implement and maintain critical bycatch reduction measures in the Gulf and Atlantic, and combat destructive commercial fishing gear. You can make your tax-deductible contribution by calling 1-800-201-FISH.

How can I help CCA?

The best way any member can help is to get involved on a local level.  Call your state CCA office and ask for a contact number for the volunteer or director in charge of a chapter near you and its meeting schedule.  If there is not a local chapter, ask what you can do to start one.

Through local fundraising events, membership meetings and fishing tournaments, CCA state chapters plant their grass roots.  This process enables you to become involved in the mechanism that makes CCA so successful on a local, state, and national level.

What are some of CCA's greatest accomplishments?

A list of CCA accomplishments can be found on the website.  Click here.